Who do you want to become?
Who do you want to become? Who do you want to identify as? What are your goals?
Be an athlete?
A runner?
A yogi?
Your habits reinforce your identity. Your choices, your experiences, and your actions solidify the person you are.
We often think that we need to have accomplished something to identify as someone. We need to lose the weight to become a healthy person. We need to do an hour of yoga every day to be a yogi. We need to have run a marathon to be a runner.
If you can master the choices, the experiences, the actions that get you to the goal, that’s when you become that person.
Choose to run, even if it’s for a few minutes, that’s when you become a runner.
Choose to go to the gym, even if you’re not lifting as much as the person next to you, that’s when you become an athlete.
Rather than focusing on the goal, squat heavy, and become a lifter, let’s focus on the system to get there. Focusing on squatting _____ amount of weight won’t make you stronger - your choices will. Following strength programming, eating healthier, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water, that’s how you get stronger and in turn, become able to squat _____ amount of weight and become a lifter.
We have all heard the saying “trust the process”. The small goals, small choices, small steps, that’s what adds up and helps you become who you are striving to be!
You won’t wake up one day and just be a millionaire. In the wise words of Britney Spears, “you better work b*tch”!
Savage Race in Tampa, FL - March 2019.